and all through the days
We bustled and scrambled
in so many ways.
The kitchen was humming
with the sun still in bed.
With yeast set to proofing
For Sugar Plum Bread.
First beat it then knead it
Then set it to rise.
The citron within it
Will make it a prize.
Now make the plain Jello
With coconut cream.
Pour over the cubes of
Red, yellow, and green.
Fill the filters with water
To clean it all up
For coffee or chocolate
Or tea in their cup.
Quick put on some breakfast
Before pastors arrive.
Alas, not the doorbell!
“Lord, help me survive!”
Delayed by the pastor,
Ready or not,
Quick cut up the cookies
The oven is hot.
Gulp down some cereal,
Sweeten the tea,
Punch down the bread dough
And pray, “Lord, help me!”
Set the loaves up to raise,
“Wow! They look great!”
Once over the classroom,
Chairs are all straight.
Oops! Fill up the Igloo,
Put in the ice,
Make sure that the mugs
Are all arranged nice.
My tea’s gotten cold,
My fruit is now hot
But ready for pastors
Is something I’m not.
Not the doorbell again!
“Lord, why today?
Tuesday and Thursday
Were sure not this way!”
The cookies are cooling.
The bread’s in the oven,
How many are coming?
Fifteen or a dozen?
Put my tea on the warmer,
Sit down with a sigh.
Dare I start the computer
Before more arrive?
Tangerines and bananas!
They’re still in the bag!
Put them out, all arranged,
“I must look like a hag.”
Half my breakfast still waiting,
My hair yet uncombed,
Glaze the bread while it’s hot -
It turned out nicely domed.
Devotions. No time yet!
But get them I will.
At the end of this bustle
I’ll take time to be still.
I’m thankful I wakened
Scripture verse in my head.
It sure makes a difference
As I serve up the bread!
It’s the third time this week
That I’ve raced down this trail.
“Lord, I am tired,
But nothing is stale.”
Chinese cabbage half frozen!
What do we do now?
Shall I race to the store?
Naw, we’ll manage somehow.
Cabbage! Mix in with bean sprouts,
We’ll chop it up small
Add some carrots and onions
It’s not bad at all.
Yummy smells fill the kitchen
As chicken thighs bake,
Mix honey, ginger and soy sauce
And use it to baste.
The rice! It’s not cooking!
I wonder why’s that?
The power bar wasn’t turned on!
We’ve now time to chat.
Fely fries Shanghai lumpia,
Serves up the thighs,
We take out the salad
And hear the, “Oh, my”s.
Unmold the Jello onto the plate,
(It looks oh so pretty)
If the pastors don’t eat it
It will be such a pity.
It’s been like this all week,
Been there, done that.
Late nights, early mornings
I think I’ll fall flat!
With homework assignments
To check and record,
And cooking and teaching,
You help me, Lord.
You give me strength when
the going gets tough,
But I’m glad that it’s Friday.
I’ve had enough.
Next week it is Christmas,
Year’s gone in a flash.
But this week has done it –
I think that I’ll crash!
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