Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Trip to the Bank

We have 33 of our 44 pastors needing assistance with their travel expenses every week. In order to give each one exact fare requires a specific number of each denomination each week. With Monday being the day we are not allowed to use our vehicle in an attempt to have 1/5 fewer cars on the congested roads every day, Tuesday is banking day. Paul is teaching, so the task falls to me, Patty.

Last week I arrived at the bank to find a very long line curling around the interior of the bank. I dutifully took my place at the end of the line, behind a nice grandfatherly (now that I am a grandmother I am inclined to say "great-grandfatherly") gentleman. He promptly turned to ask where I was from. When I told him he launched on a monologue about his life and family that ended only when it was his turn with the teller.

In the meantime, an equally older woman entered the bank and joined the line behind me. She was wearing an expensive cream-colored pants and jacket with a fun little hat with flowers on it - not bad. I sensed that she wanted to talk to me, but since I was already politely listening to the gentleman in front I was not available. She was creative in her attempt to get my attention: She started off in what was probably a professional voice in her prime, "Around the world in 80 days. I traveled on and hope was gone...", loudly serenading the entire bank through all the verses at least five times! The music stopped the moment the gentleman in front stepped to the counter. "And where are you from?"

Today I entered the bank to see a well-dressed lady with a large floppy hat filling out her bank form at the counter. I took a moment to take a closer look and quickly turned around, muttering to the guard manning the door that I would return in a few minutes and took off like lightening!

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